Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tone Body Wash

I received this item in the mail a few weeks ago from BzzAgent. Like I mentioned before in my last post, BzzAgent sends you free items to try and review, and this is one of them. The only body wash I have used for the last few years has been from Bath and Body Works. I never buy any other brand, because I love Bath and Body Works so much! However, this body wash is wonderful! The scent I received is Pink Peony and Rose Oil. A lot of flowery scents smell gross, but this one is just right! It isn't too powerful or overbearing. What's even better is that it lathers up really great, and makes my skin feel amazing! I checked the prices and it's only around $3.50 per bottle, which is much cheaper than Bath and Body Works! I highly recommend this to everyone, and you all should definitely give it a try!

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